Transformation Keys
(with Dawn Heart L.R.P.S.)
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Get ready to transform your sleep with our Accept Sleep Workshop. Our program is designed to help you get the deep, restorative sleep your body craves, so you can wake up feeling refreshed and energized. Don't just take our word for it though - our happy customers have reported significant improvements in their sleep quality. Our workshop incorporates unique insights from new science, ensuring that you'll learn the latest and most effective strategies for better sleep.
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Dawn Heart L.R.P.S. Story
Age 7 reading age at age 5
Took lead in plays
memory of advising mother on Romantic solft focus
Learnt recordesr
Age 7 planned life
Mother hands me letter from palace
Being ill and prayed for
ran chritian union and a daily prayer group
Mothr dates Satenist and converts to Christianity
Lived in library.
Advised mother to rent divided up shop
Sold aniques in window.
Answered phone for taxi service, hair dresser, craft shop, and even me
Did homework under teachers noses
Cheers and sranding ovation changed my trak
About how i changed printed circuitboards
Played with the local children
Seeing forefillment of prophesy
I called for the angels who were never sent
Dined with masonic leader from lodgfe in london who helped me
hypnotised husband out of being chain smoker
Divorce My flight and the men who helped
Problems from thyroid
walked to library daily
Wrote book Daddy said was ten out of ten
Struggling with website
Insights from Darren Hardy